Written by: Grounds Keeper Kristina Rolla (@wanderstowonder)

The anxiety was overwhelming. I have been dreading this day for as long as I could remember. I was afraid of this conversation. Two weeks ago, I asked my boss if I could talk to him privately. I remember my palms being sweaty and my face feeling flushed. I took a deep breathe and told my boss that I was putting in my two week notice, and I was going to hike the Appalachian trail by myself. He looked so surprised. I don't think he had any idea. He told me that he was happy for me and he was excited for my journey. All that worrying for nothing. It felt so freeing!
It was a long and painful two weeks. I sold my car. I was hitching rides and eating whatever I had left in my cabinets. Time was going so slow!
Finally, my last day of work! My co-workers bought me my favorite bagels, and I said my see ya laters. It was such a bittersweet moment. It felt amazing to know that I was moving on from this boring 9-5 job.

I walked out of there and never looked back. I remember coming home that day and it happened to be such a warm sunny day. I rolled around in the grass and had the biggest smile on my face.